Isn’t Acupuncture Completely Psychological?
Many feel acupuncture only works because clients want it to work. This is inaccurate, as the practice has been proven to have physical effects on the body. Biologically speaking, acupuncture releases dopamine in the body to relieve pain caused by tension. This is a main reason it is effective in reducing stress and subsequently alleviating pain.
Ok… But don’t Those Needles Hurt?!
Acupuncture needles are incredibly thin- no wider than a strand of hair. Moreover, they do not actually puncture beyond just the surface of the skin. No deeper than the first layer of the epidermis, the needles penetrate just enough to stimulate internal activity and encourage dopamine production. Acupuncture needles use in no way resembles needles use in traditional western medicine.
Acupuncturists use needles only to treat pain?!
An experienced acupuncturist would not only use needles but also utilize heat therapy such as infrared electromagnetic heat lamps to reduce inflammation, tranquillise pain and improve micro-circulation, and Tui-Na massage is commonly used to treat pain for acute or chronic conditions.
Tui-Na is a hands-on body treatment, in modern China, many hospitals include Tui-Na as a standard aspect of treatment, with specialisation for bone setting, spinal adjustment, orthopaedics, traumatology, , rehabilitation, and sports medicine.